No Such Thing as a Random Number
I'm proud to say that Part Two of my "memoir" is a Featured Post on Gamasutra: 1981. Many computer games were home-grown and distributed...
Everything I Learned about Computer Games I Didn't Learn at Yale
In 1976, I took the only computer course I would ever take. I got a “D,” the worst grade I would ever get. Five years later, I was making...
FAQ: Keyboard and game controllers
DINO EGGS: REBIRTH supports these methods of input: Keyboard XBox Controllers Many other game controllers that are on this list Any...
From Commodore 64 to "Dino Eggs: Rebirth"
Here is a great comparison between the original Dino Eggs on Commodore 64 and the re-creation of "Dino Eggs: Classic" within the new...
Official Press Release on Gamasutra
Here's the official press release for DINO EGGS: REBIRTH on Gamasutra: