FAQ: Online Leaderboards
Beginning with Build -- we have a series of global online Leaderboards in Dino Eggs: Rebirth. These Leaderboards are available in...
FAQ: Multiplayer tips and techniques
CO-OPERATIVE MULTIPLAYER Beginning with Build, we've added a two-player CO-OP version of the arcade game. This CO-OP multiplayer...
FAQ: Access to future marketplaces and updates
Will DINO EGGS: REBIRTH appear on other marketplaces...? We can't promise If or when DINO EGGS: REBIRTH will appear on other marketplaces...
FAQ: What's new in each game build...?
Here's a list of game updates and What's New in each one. To see which game build you have, start the game. While viewing the title...
FAQ: How to update the game
Here's how to keep your game options and game progress intact while updating DINO EGGS: REBIRTH. (This advice is for folks who bought the...
FAQ: Keyboard and game controllers
DINO EGGS: REBIRTH supports these methods of input: Keyboard XBox Controllers Many other game controllers that are on this list Any...
FAQ: Video Issues
Video Display --------------- By default, the game displays Full Screen in the same resolution as the Windows Desktop. If the game...
FAQ: System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements for "Dino Eggs: Rebirth" For information on keyboard and joystick/controller support, see this FAQ. FOR...